Pakistan's First Hajj Flight with 180 Pilgrims to Depart Tomorrow Under Road to Makah Initiative

The Ministry of Religious Affairs is orchestrating the beginning of the Hajj season with meticulous planning and coordination. The inaugural Hajj flight is scheduled to depart from Karachi airport under the esteemed Road to Makkah initiative. This inaugural flight, set for Thursday, is a poignant moment as it carries 180 pilgrims who are embarking on their sacred journey to fulfill their lifelong dream of performing Hajj. The anticipation and excitement among the pilgrims are palpable as they prepare to embark on this spiritually enriching expedition. Following closely, a second flight at 2 am will transport another group of 150 pilgrims to the revered city of Medina, marking the commencement of this significant pilgrimage season with a sense of reverence and unity.

Pakistan's First Hajj Flight with 180 Pilgrims to Depart
Pakistan's First Hajj Flight with 180 Pilgrims to Depart

Transportation Plan for Intending Pilgrims:

Over the span of a month, more than 68,000 intending pilgrims who are part of the government's regular Hajj scheme will be transported to Saudi Arabia, a testament to the meticulous planning and logistical prowess of the authorities. This vast movement will be facilitated by 259 flights operated by various airlines, symbolizing the collective effort and dedication to ensuring a smooth and safe pilgrimage experience for all participants. The comprehensive transportation plan encompasses not only the physical movement of pilgrims but also encompasses essential services and support to cater to their needs throughout the journey. The majority of these flights, scheduled from May 24 to June 9, will arrive in Jeddah, a key entry point for pilgrims, further highlighting the strategic planning involved. Furthermore, the post-Hajj flight operation from Saudi Arabia back to Pakistan is set to commence on June 20, symbolizing the completion of the pilgrimage cycle and the safe return of pilgrims to their homeland.

Inaugural Day Departures:

The inaugural day of Hajj flights on Thursday is a monumental occasion, marked by a flurry of activity and a sense of collective purpose. A total of 11 flights will depart from Pakistan's airports, each carrying a significant number of intending pilgrims to Medina, the city of the Prophet. This organized departure reflects the meticulous logistical planning and coordination efforts undertaken to ensure the timely and efficient movement of pilgrims on this auspicious day. Among these flights, three flights from Islamabad will carry 680 pilgrims, two flights from Karachi will accommodate 330 pilgrims, and three flights from Lahore will ferry 670 pilgrims to their destination, showcasing the diverse participation from different regions of the country. The atmosphere is imbued with a spirit of unity and devotion as pilgrims embark on this transformative journey of faith.

Upcoming Hajj Flights:

Looking ahead, the Hajj season continues with scheduled flights from Quetta and Sukkur on May 11 and 27, respectively, further extending the opportunity for intending pilgrims from all regions to participate in this sacred pilgrimage. These upcoming flights underscore the ongoing commitment of the authorities to facilitate the pilgrimage for all intending pilgrims, regardless of their geographic location, as they embark on this spiritually significant journey of self-discovery and devotion. The upcoming flights represent a continuation of the collective journey towards spiritual fulfillment and unity among pilgrims from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in this sacred endeavor.


The commencement of the Hajj season marks a time of profound significance, unity, and devotion as thousands of intending pilgrims embark on their spiritual journey to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The meticulous planning and coordination by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and various stakeholders ensure a smooth and safe pilgrimage experience for all participants.
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As the inaugural Hajj flights take off, carrying pilgrims from different regions, there is a palpable sense of anticipation and reverence. This collective pilgrimage represents a coming together of people from diverse backgrounds, united in their faith and dedication to fulfilling this sacred obligation.

The ongoing transportation plan, with numerous flights scheduled over the month, reflects a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that pilgrims from all parts of the country can participate in this transformative experience.

As we look forward to the upcoming flights and the continuation of the pilgrimage season, we are reminded of the spiritual significance of Hajj, emphasizing unity, humility, and devotion. May this pilgrimage journey be a source of blessings, spiritual growth, and profound connections for all participants.

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