Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors A Complete Guide For Freelancers.

 Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors A Complete Guide For Freelancers.

SEO's ranking factors are essential You may have heard Google utilizes many different factors in selecting which websites to put on the first page of results. Although this may be true, not each ranking element is to be equal.

Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors
Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors Image Credit Muhammad Asif


In this post, I'll discuss the most crucial ranking factors for search engines that you must be aware of and show you how to optimize your website to get better search engine results.

Some of the most popular queries asked by people ask about the ranking on search engines.

SEO rank factors refer to rules utilized by search engines during the ranking process for deciding which pages to display on the search engine result pages (SERPs) and in what order.

Why is it necessary to understand the different SEO ranking elements? The answer is straightforward. If you want your website to be ranked highly in organic search results and generate visitors, be sure to follow these guidelines.

Google rankings are always changing, so how do I keep on top of these adjustments? There is a fact that Google and other search engines specifically Google will make adjustments to their algorithms for ranking each year. Their aim is to increase the quality of results and make their users satisfied.

But, certain ranking factors have been the foundation of SEO for a long time. Google uses more than 200 ranking factors within its algorithm, however not all factors are created equally.

Most Important Search Engine Ranking Factors

  • Here's an overview of the Ten most crucial ranking criteria you must be aware of.
  • Website Optimized for Technical SEO Website Security (HTTPS)
  • Domain authority
  • Mobility Friendliness
  • Page speed on the Web (both mobile and desktop)
  • Content quality
  • On-Page SEO Ranking Factors
  • User experience
  • Brand name and reputation
  • Links from trustworthy websites

1. Website Optimized for Technical SEO.

It's the first item on the list and has a reason. If search engines aren't able to effectively access your website you don't want to expect any rankings.

  • The way that search engines function can be broken down into three fundamental steps:
  • Opening
  • Crawling and Indexing
  • Ranging

In the discovery phase, they search for all publicly accessible websites. After that, during their crawl process, they collect the information they require then add that information to the index so that algorithmic ranking can incorporate it to rank.

Your task is to make sure that bots from search engines can visit your site without blocking and to help them finish the task as fast as is possible.

It is referred to by the SEO world as Tech SEO.

You can accomplish this by:

Optimize your robots.txt to increase the number of robots. texts you have. Robots.txt is a text file that provides search engines with instructions about which pages of websites they are able to browse.

Optimizing your XML Sitemap A sitemap is an overview of all pages of a website that search engines must be aware of.

Fix and find any crawl errors. You can utilize Google Search Console to find and fix any crawl errors. Google Search Console to find and correct crawl errors, and increase the speed and efficiency of indexing.

Recommended Reading: SEO Technical Guide - Best Practices for Ranking Boost.

2. Website Security (HTTPS).

One of the most widely-known rankings factors concerns the security of the site. Websites that are SSL enabled and offer hyperlinks over HTTPS have an advantage over unsecured websites.

With the term "comparative advantage," we are referring to the fact that all else being the same, a site that has HTTPS enabled will be ranked better than a site that isn't secure.

If your website isn't currently using HTTPS then add this step at the top of the list.

Recommend study: What you can do to move your website into HTTPS with SEO intact.

3. Domain authority.

The next thing to consider comes domain authority. It is which is an extremely important ranking element.

Search engines are looking to show the most relevant website in their results. one of the elements they take into consideration to make their decision is the domain authority.

Domain authority is decided by:

Domain age: old or old domains are fast to rank higher than the newer domains. The average age for the page in the top spot list of Google result pages is three or close to years.

It doesn't mean that new websites aren't able to get high rankings, however, it's more difficult and may take longer than the existing sites.

The status of a domain needs to be free of Google penalties in order to be considered to be ranked.

If your domain has been owned by you since the beginning that's fine. There are no worries. If you purchased the domain and it has been registered, you must be sure that it's completely free from Google penalties.

Domain reputation This is due to the fact that

4. Mobility and Friendliness.

Another aspect that affects rankings in search engines is mobility.

Mobile search results account for more than 60% of all searches that are performed on Google every month.

A site that isn't designed to work with mobile devices will not be displayed in mobile search results, and that immediately eliminates the possibility to receive mobile-friendly traffic.

5. Speed of Web pages on desktops and mobile.

Since the beginning, the speed of pages is a popular Google ranking aspect. Google is determined to make the internet speedier and has made a decision to reward websites that perform better with better rankings.

The speed of your website is advantageous for customers as well. Numerous studies have proven that the slow loading of websites results in lost customers as well as user dissatisfaction.

improve the speed of your website makes your website more efficient, use these proven strategies:

  1. Also, update your website software to the latest version
  2. the caching plugin to
  3. The most current PHP version (if you're using WordPress)
  4. Utilize VPS hosting and not shared
  5. Utilize the CDN (Content Delivery Network) service
  6. Improve and compress the quality of your photos
  7. Improve and reduce the size of Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript

6. Content Quality

The quality of the content you publish on your site is an SEO factor that is the greatest out of all.

  • When discussing online-published content the quality is inspected with these three elements:
  • Uniqueness
  • Competence - Authority - Reliability (EAT)
  • Relevance

Content Uniqueness

The top spot on the list is determined by originality. Content published on your website has to be original and not replicate existing content on other websites.

Republishing articles from Forbes because you find them interesting (even if you have cited the source in a correct manner) is not going to aid your website in climbing the ranks.

Google recognizes the source of this article, which first was published on Forbes The magazine, so it is going to ignore your site. The site won't be penalized for this however it won't be rewarded for it either. If you continue to post duplicate content, and don't have your own unique content, it's going to reduce your 'Trust in Google rating and make it extremely difficult to get a position on Google.

Competence - Authority - Reliability (EAT)

Search engines do not want to present untrustworthy content on their results. In the stage of ranking, they are looking for signals which will allow them to identify the content that is written by experts who have credibility and authority.

It's not a novel idea but Google has made it more important by including it in Google's Google Quality Guidelines.

This specifically states that E-A -T applies to all kinds of websites. It also gives examples of how E-A-T could be utilized in real-world situations.

What can you do to improve your E-A T are the following:

Be sure to include an author on each page. It is possible to include your author's bio on the side of every page that includes the link to the complete bio of the author.

Be sure that the About Us page explains who you are and the reason your contributors and employees are experts in these areas.

Include any mentions of awards or honours on trusted websites that confirm your credentials.

Spend money on promoting your brand as well as the image for your author.

Check that your website is secured

Make sure you post positive reviews to other trustworthy sources. Depending on the area you're in You can look up feedback in Google My Business, Yelp, Trustpilot, BBB, and more.

If possible, make a Wikipedia site for the website and the authors

If you are selling products or services on the internet be sure to have a privacy and security policy as well as an insurance policy for refunds.

Be featured on authoritative websites such as major news media and forums, as well as top industries websites.

7. SEO Page Ranking Factors.

Alongside proving to Google that it is able to 'trust your site, you have to let them know through the structure of your pages to let them know the purpose of the content.

This is what you require to be able to optimize your website's on-page SEO.

This is done through sending the right signals via your content, and specifically:

Does your page's title correspond to exactly what the visitor is searching for?

The title of the page is the most crucial SEO-related element in the web page. This is what visitors are able to see in search results and it's one of the elements utilized for search engines in order to give an accurate concept of what the page's contents are.

To make your titles more appealing to both search engines and users You must ensure that they include SEO keywords.

SEO keywords are exactly the words that users type when they search. By adding keywords to their title text, SEO engines are able to connect to the website.

Subheadings and headings.

A well-optimized structure for a page has head and subheadings. The headings help make the pages easier to read for users and search engines.

The most extensive pages have one H1 heading, and numerous subheadings (h2 and h3). They are laid out in a hierarchical arrangement such as H1 -> H2>.

Headings should also contain keywords and phrases that the reader are able to recognize.

Internal Link Structure.

  • Internal links are the ones that link to pages of the same website.
  • Each piece of content you upload to your website should contain at least one link to another page of your site.
  • Internal links should be included within THE BODY. The links must be in line with the content.
  • When you include internal hyperlinks to your content:
  • Your website helps users and search engines find additional pages on your site.
  • Contribute to the relevance of the subject
  • Gives users additional information regarding a particular topic.

Optimization of multimedia and images elements.

  1. Search engines index not just texts as well as video audio (podcasts) and of course, images.
  2. The problem is those non-textual elements can be difficult to comprehend by users.
  • It is, therefore, crucial to improving them to work with SEO by providing the right signals to search bots.

For instance:

  • images, you could optimize the filename, and include alternative text.
  • videos, you may also include an outline of the video.
  • For podcasts, you can add a podcast outline.
  • There are a variety of methods to make indexing non-text components easier. The following guidelines can help you:
  • SEO for Images: The Complete Guide to SEO Optimizing Your Images
  • Schema Markup - An introduction to schemas and structured data as well as how they can assist you to increase your rank.

The addition of semantically related keywords to the content.

Last but not least, one of the elements that impact your site's ranking is the use of keywords within your content. This is known in the field of search engine optimization as content SEO.

The process of optimizing content will help discover the appropriate keywords to include in your content, making them more relevant and useful to your users are looking for.

Apart from adding key keywords to headings and titles (as previously mentioned) You also have to include keywords that are semantically related within your article.

The majority of related keywords or phrases are conceptually related to one the other. Google is able to determine which meanings words replaced and "change both mean the same (in this case).

8. User experience.

The signal employed to determine the ranking algorithms of Google is the RankBrain. RankBrain makes use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to determine the rank of websites based on the user's experience and behaviour.

The algorithm for ranking is based on all elements that are discussed in this article, and also rely on the inputs of RankBrain to make the final decision.

The signals that are used include:

CTR (Click-Through-Rate) CTR is the percentage of users that click the result that is displayed in the results of a search.

If the system finds patterns in which more users click on a part that is lower in the search results than those at the top of the page, the algorithm could move that snippet up the page.

Pogo Sticker - If users click on the search snippet you have provided go to your site and then immediately return to the results of the search, this means that they're not satisfied with the results they found.

Bounce Rate and Latency Similar to pogo-sticking. Users visit your site and then quit immediately as they can't get the info they were searching for.

9. Reputation of the brand.

This ranking factor in SEO does not have anything to do with backlinks (we'll discuss links later) However, it is the value of having a strong brand image.

Brand reputation is a context and that means there's a group of people talking about and mentioning your name in the internet world.

Mentioning isn't always about including a link on your website, but rather discussing your brand's image on different forums and social media platforms.

From the perspective of a webmaster, you must do the best you can to promote your business on the web. This could be done via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other popular forum within your field.

Inviting people to speak about and search for your brand's name in Google can be an important signal to the algorithm that determines the ranking.

10. Links from trustworthy websites.

In the 1990s, the founders of Google had an innovative idea.

Backlinks on sites that point towards them by other websites are more popular and useful over others, and consequently are more prominent in Google results.

This is a simplified explanation of the way Google rankings functioned in the beginning. In the past, many people have profited from this and have started to create hundreds of hyperlinks to their sites which, in turn, it has lowered the standard of Google results has deteriorated.

To ensure its reputation is protected and to improve the quality of the results it delivers, Google has tweaked its algorithm and modified the method by which it determines backlinks.

Links remain one of the top-ranking factors, but today it's no longer about which website has the most links however, it's about where those links originate from.

Links that may impact your ranking include those from:

Google Trusted Websites

Websites Demonstrating Competence, Authority, and Reliability

  • Linked Websites
  • the links do not have the Nofollow attribute.
  • The links that are included in the text of a website page
  • Links that are added naturally by webmasters are not due to exchanges of links or purchases of links.
  • These guides will assist you in creating an impressive link profile to aid in ranking:
  • How can you get rid of bad backlinks from Google
  • How can you make link building and improve Your Search engine optimization
  • Link building methods that are effective
Top 10 Google SEO Ranking Factors

What is off-page SEO

SEO Ranking Factors Summary

If you're new to SEO or the marketing of search engines, you have to know the fact that engines continuously strive to improve their results in search. They do this by collecting feedback from users and applying machine learning.

They analyze and add this data source, then alter it to adjust the (SEO) search ranking factors for better your user's experience.

Your responsibility as an SEO expert is to stay updated with the latest developments and ensure that you are in compliance with the latest guidelines.

It's important to remember that, even though the algorithms are always altering, the most important elements that determine rankings have remained the same since the inception of Google:

Create great content that will satisfy the desire of users

Your site should be accessible to the search engines

Create fast and secure websites.

Request "trust votes" (links) through other websites of the Internet to demonstrate your knowledge and credibility.

Websites that adhere to the above guidelines have good search engine rankings and are more likely to be competitive in the future.

websites that seek shortcuts and attempt to fool (SEO) algorithmic search engines might be successful for a short period However, they'll be spotted and are punished.

Are there any crucial SEO ranking factors that are not included in the list? Let me know via the comments.

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