How To Make 1,000 $ Every Month Selling Kindle Ebooks.

How To Make 1,000 $ Every Month Selling Kindle Ebooks.

You could earn $1,000 per month by selling KINDLE eBooks through these steps. You know what you're doing that selling eBooks on Kindle could generate an income. I made more than $1300 last month, from a collection of 8 Kindle novels I've composed. The novels may appear to some to be long and complicated. They are actually very short (between 5,000 and 15,000 words).

What I've learned from the Sales of Kindle Books

Friends on Facebook shared with me how to earn money with Kindle. It is possible to earn an average of $30,000 a month selling these tiny eBooks, according to a presentation I received via email. I was glued to the presentation and learned as much as I could. This is why my initial type-book was a complete fail: I published it in the month of January. At the end of the day, I'd conducted my research wrong. Also I had sold a book no one would want to read! It was a mistake.

I was extremely successful with my next book. I researched and created a top-quality book with a captivating name and cover. Since January, it's been selling 150 copies a month, on autopilot! The following months, I've written seven more books. However I've just published my ninth novel this week. In April this year the first eight books generated more than $1,300!

How does it work?

how to make 1000 $ every month selling kindle ebooks
Selling kindle ebooks.

I'm going to walk you through the entire process of research and writing a novel using Amazon Kindle and then advertising it to a wide readership.

Researching Your Topics of Interest

Does it need exhaustive keyword research in order to determine the right title and contents of your publication? It's probably not. It's really not that difficult. It's easy!

You must think about what Amazon customers search for and buy books. They can use Google's search function or best-seller lists to discover the books they're looking for. My main source of information for research on novels includes that of the New York Times best-seller list.

Visit and hover over "Shop by Departments," then hover over "Books," and then click "Kindle Books" to get started. You'll see a "best books" hyperlink on the left part of the site. If you'd like to view the top-selling books on kindle follow the link.

Here's where you can find book categories. Selecting a subcategory isn't able to be delved any further. Here are two signs you must be looking for:
Book sales are growing.

There's no need to fret about getting on the list of bestsellers.
In the end, you need to click the book that is ranked #1, followed by the books that are which are ranked from 20th to 100th, in order to accomplish this. The data on sales rank for each book must be analyzed. It is possible to determine if the books within this group are doing well or not by studying this number.

A screenshot taken from shows where the top-selling ranking for ebooks on the kindle can be found.

So I decided to go on "Running and Jogging" Here are sales rank stats for the #1, #20 and #100 books in the category:
There are 602 entries on this list.
Total of 17,287
There are 85,232 possible instances of this total.

It's clear that these are quite impressive numbers. It's selling between 90 and 120 copies a daily for #1 4 to 9 copies for the second book and 20 to 30 for the 100th book.

The more copies of a book that are sold the lower its popularity. From my ebooks on kindle, I came to these figures. The book I've placed at the top of Amazon's bestseller list has sold approximately 100 copies a day. There are books that are in the 10,000 or 20,000 range, and so on. These are just initial estimates, but I'd like to give you an idea of the potential demand for these titles.

You can easily find an item in the most popular bestsellers of 30,000. Two sales are enough to reach the 80k mark. An area like this, where the top books are selling, and it's simple to make Top 100 positions, would be a great thing.

What's the Next Step?

After you've chosen the category you want to go with The next step is to decide on an appropriate title for your book. One method of achieving this is to take a look at the top 20 bestsellers within the area look at what the market is currently buying and think of something different but similar.

You'll have to create an outline, or hire an expert to write your kindle ebooks on behalf of you. It is essential to conduct another research to determine the kind of book your intended audience would like to read. Be sure to modify the book a lot!

To publish your book, you'll be required to sign up at Just a few steps are all needed, and they're quite simple.
The final step is to get your family and friends to write reviews for the book you wrote on Amazon and then post the review. The quality of writing and effectiveness can be assessed by the number of reviews it gets.


The process of publishing a kindle book for publication on Amazon Kindle, as you can see, is an easy procedure. In the last 4 months, I've sold kindle ebooks and made more than $1,000 per month (100 per cent of the revenue is passive).

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